Eating Disorder Treatment in Raleigh, NC

In a world preoccupied with food and dieting, it is near impossible not to internalize ideas of restricting and ‘working off’ meals in order to fit in with what society tells us is acceptable. Disordered eating is much more common than we typically think. While this is often falsely portrayed by the media as “healthy living”, thinness is actually often valued so highly that it comes at the expense of our health. It can lead to heart disease, changes to metabolism, nutrient deficiencies and fatigue, as well as negative psychological consequences. Disordered eating describes a wide range of eating behaviors and unhealthy relationships with food that may or may not be indicative of an official ‘Eating Disorder’ diagnosis.

Disordered Eating

Disordered eating often stems from or is fueled by our sociocultural idealization of thinness. In a culture that is obsessed with dieting, weight, exercise, and the size of our bodies, its no surprise that many experience shame related to their body type. So easily we can become trapped in a cycle of restriction, scarcity and shame. Not only does this actually lead us to a problematic relationship with our bodies, but it also impacts self-worth, self-confidence and overall happiness.

Warning signs and symptoms of binge eating, bulimia and other disordered eating:

  • Feelings of disgust with one’s own body

  • Using exercise, food restriction, fasting or purging to "make up for bad foods" eaten

  • Testing out every fad diet to see if this is the “one that will make the difference”

  • Using healthy and clean eating as ways to restrict weight and size

  • Frequent dieting and weight fluctuations

  • Anxiety associated with specific foods or meal skipping 

  • Rigid rituals and routines surrounding food and/or exercise

  • Feelings of guilt and shame associated with eating

  • A feeling of loss of control around food

Our Disordered Eating Treatment Specialists in Raleigh Are Here to Help

It is possible to gain freedom from the shame cycle of disordered eating. Our therapists will work with you to identify healthy goals informed by your values, and work along the way to identify and address barriers to those goals. By connecting to the sensations and lived experiences of our bodies, we can change the relationship we have with food and with ourselves. Our aim is to help you reestablish a trusting and healthy relationship with your body in order to give you freedom to live the life you deserve.

A new relationship with food is within your reach

Begin the Path to Eating Disorder Treatment in Raleigh Today

Visit the NEDA website for more information on Eating disorders.