Couples Therapy in Raleigh, NC

Each and every relationship is unique. There are many reasons why couples seek treatment over the course of a relationship. From improving communication skills to increasing emotional and physical connections or processing a betrayal, couples therapy can help you and your partner/s achieve your goals. It can even be a place where you learn to respectfully and amicably separate. If your relationship is under stress, consider coming in for an assessment or schedule a couples therapy appointment. We’ll help you to enhance your connection and/or increase your skills for handling these challenges.

We welcome relationships of all genders and sexualities.

Couples therapy can help you and your partner:

  • Respond in a more flexible and adaptive way when faced with stress.

  • Grow in intimacy and sexual satisfaction.

  • Better understand your attachment style and how this may show up in your relationship.

  • Be more present and engaged with your partner.

  • Be less reactive to negative thoughts and feelings.

  • Identify what narratives you are responding to and respond more in line with your values.

  • Decrease arguing and conflict.

  • Improve healthy and effective communication.

  • Process and deal with infidelity.

  • Prepare for marriage or other relationship transitions.

  • Separate amicably.
